AIM HIGHER San Jose Weekly Highlights – April 25, 2014
Finally getting a little rain out here in the South Bay! Clients had a lot of fun this week in each or their activities.
Instructor Mari helped clients make some super cool orbs in Arts and Crafts, I asked if she could make one big enough to fit someone inside but we decided against it for this time around. Instructor Kim’s activity was music to our ears, literally, as she and clients carefully/safely utilized glasses and water to make some beautiful music. And Program Coordinator Pauline ensured each group took her vocational training refresher course to be up to date on best practices and safety in the workplace. Today we are ending the week with client council, smiles and all around good vibes.
Program Director
AIM HIGHER San Jose Weekly Highlights – April 11, 2014
Wow, what a week! AHSJ rode the energy/excitement of seeing things like AH Roseville’s Fashion Show on the AH Website and tried to transfer the excitement we were all feeling to each and every one of our clients. The staff did a pretty awesome job, coming through with super fun activities like soap sculptures, where we made hearts and other shapes, and had fun making a mess with soap, the thing you usually use to get clean! Today was a very special pick your passion, with one client feeling extra good about being our spotlight this week and about half of our clients going home in a brand new AIM HIGHER T Shirt!