This week in Art & Expression, everyone got the chance, in small groups, to visit an art museum. There was a huge football exhibit and all the sports fans loved it!
In Life Skills, Alisha taught lessons about nutrition and healthy choices. They discussed the benefits of eating fruits and veggies and later on did an experiment on how different things that ruin your teeth. They soaked hard boil eggs in coffee, soda, and milk. When left overnight the clients got see how coffee and soda can stain your teeth and how milk can make them stronger. After this experiment they tried to use baking soda and a tooth brush to try and make the eggs white again, it wasn’t that easy.
Functional Education focused on writing skills by making different kind of lists. As a group they listed all the Disney movies they can think of. This activity got really loud as everyone started to join in. The clients loved it.
Like every week our Vocational groups go out and work hard at BATS and at the Farm. We got some very hard and dedicated workers here!