Every now and then someone says “thank you” in a super special way. Check this out…
This letter was written by a client to the staff team of AIM HIGHER Roseville – December 2012.
To all the AIM HIGHER Staff,
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all you’ve done for all of us. You’re always trying so hard to make our days here fun and safe. You do so much for all of us. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all that you do for us all. I don’t know if anyone ever told you, but I’ll be the first to tell. I love every single one of you with all my heart. If anyone deserves a gold star it is you guys! Each and every one of you have special places in my heart! And, this is to ALL OF THE STAFF! Yes, to ALL OF YOU! You all work so hard 4 us! And no one ever says thank you! But I will! Thank you sooo much! You all are so very sweet, loving, caring and kind. You all are so totally awesome in my eyes and I thank you so much.
Sincerely, Christina